
June 23, 2020
Is Your Child Wetting The Bed?

Have you woken up in mornings to your child saying sorry for wetting their bed and pyjamas? You and your child should be comforted that help is available and the good news is they may grow out of it. What is Nocturnal Enuresis? Nocturnal enuresis is the involuntary urination while asleep, also known as bedwetting. […]

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February 21, 2019
Sleep Hygiene and Night-Time Incontinence

Sleeping well is important for our health, both physical and mental. An adequate rest during the night sometimes is not as simple as it seems, especially when we begin to suffer urine losses. According to Dr. Eduard Estivill, Director of the Sleep Alterations Unit of the Institut Dexeus, "the consequences of poor sleep and rest […]

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February 21, 2019
Improve Your Sleep Routine with These Tips

In general, when you have a shift job it is difficult to establish a healthy sleep routine. The rotating of shifts, the guards, the overtime, and the inability to sleep when you are supposed to do it, and having to do it with daylight or noise prevent our body from resting as it should. But […]

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